Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Last Post- Flexibilty

So after much distress, blogger finally let me log on. For my post this week, I commented on a fellow student's blog who shared her new Background and Significance section for her final Project Proposal. She briefly talked about how there have been a lot of changes to her project and how there will be more as we enter the field. Here is my response:


I agree that even after all is said and done at the end of the semester, there are so many revisions that still need to be made, many of which we aren't yet aware of and won't be until we're in the midst of it.

I'm coming to the same type of situation for my project. As I reworked my entire proposal last night, I kept finding myself focusing less and less on parenting and more on family interaction, at least when it came to observations I intend to make. This brought me to seriously question, "am I going to be doing exactly what I want to be doing here? Is there something else I would rather learn about?" Because heaven knows I won't have time to learn about everything, though I would very much like to.

So now, what do we do? Well pretty much just take it as it comes and try to be flexible. I loved that the rubric for our proposals took into account flexibility of our projects, because this might be one of the most important aspects of our projects.

This nice thing about going in a group the size we have is that it's large enough to have multiple insights and opinions, but small enough that it's not discouraging or intimidating to talk to the group as a whole about bumps in the road. I'm really excited to work in a group with you and with the other ladies (and my man) and I know that we can all really help each other to be flexible, resilient, and positive when we run into the inevitable situations that will call for these qualities time and time again.


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Books I'm Reading

  • My Spiritual Journey by H.H. the Dalai Lama
  • Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin